
Future yummies

Guess what came in the mail yesterday?  My Seed Savers Exchange catalog!  [I linked to the page where you can sign up for a mailed copy or you can download it with no need for snail mail.]  I've had my 2012 Baker Creek catalog for a few weeks.  Both stores are amazing places to find heirloom veggie seeds.

I drool over the pictures.  I imagine growing wide swaths of vegetables and having them appear on the table fully prepared.  The canning shelves stock themselves with gleaming jars of summer love.  No more shipped-in veggies at the grocery store.  Food abounds!  Imagination--everything is magic. 

I am trying to be practical and realistic in my planning.  These traits being antithetical to my nature, I find this an exercise in overcoming wild flights of fancy.  I'm an idea girl.  Once I gain an understanding of what is required and how it is accomplished, I'm over my obsession.  But, this garden is one obsession that I feel is important.  [And each garden is brand new so I can't get bored or feel I've learned everything!]

I've still got seeds from my order last spring--things that I planted and others that wouldn't sprout or I didn't have room for.
  1. French Breakfast Radish
  2. Bull's Blood Beet
  3. Rocky Top Lettuce Mix
  4. Crnkovic Yugoslavian Tomato (pink)
  5. Goldman's Italian American Tomato (red)
  6. Ananas Noire Tomato (striped)
  7. Black From Tula Tomato (purple)
  8. Leutschauer Paprika (hot)
  9. Black Hungarian Pepper (hot)
  10. Quadrato D'Asti Rosso Pepper (sweet)
  11. Red Cheese Pepper (sweet)
  12. Eagle Pass Okra
  13. St. Valery Carrot
  14. Parisienne Carrot (an "extra" from Baker Creek)
  15. Delikatesse Cucumber
  16. Cherokee Trail of Tears Bean
  17. Rattlesnake Bean
  18. Purple Podded Pole Bean
  19. Mayflower Bean
  20. Musquee de Provence Squash (C. moschata)
There are still a few other veggies and varieties that I'd like to try and squeeze in as well...

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